Department of MANAGEMENT

About the Department

  • The elixir Business Administration department was established in the year 1997 for the purpose of creating the young entrepreneurs, leaders and good business people.
  • It has been a stepping stone for our students to pursue professional course related to the management.
  • The Department trains the students to hone their Entrepreneurial and Managerial skills to keep nautical changes in the field of Management.

Management is doing things right;

Leadership is doing the right things.

Peter F. Drucker


  • To provide premier Business education through a DYNAMIC CURRICULUM.
  • To scale new heights in Business education and generate world class Business Graduates.
  • To provide proper emphasis to serve business the business community by providing potential graduates on value- centered environment.


  • To provide high – octane training in Business Administration with the focus on the estimate vision.
  • To offer quality educational services and empower talented students.
  • To achieve their most potentiality being ethically business professionals and community leaders with an understanding of the global contest of business and its social impacts.

Courses offered

BBA 3 Years Full Time

Student Toppers

View Student Topper

Faculty Profile


Lab Infrastructure


  • S .Suguna has got university gold medal in the academic year 2001-2004.
  • G.Mythili has got 6thRank in the academic year 2003-2006.Naveetha has one of diligent and energetic student has participated in Republic Day Parade held in New Delhi in the academic year 2008-2009.
  • Our department has conducted ZENTTH 2012 for moulding the students and we conducted one day National Level Seminar on CONTEMPORARY ISSUES on Commerce and Management.M. Devapriya has a keen participated in the National Level Seminar presented and published the paper on COMPETENCY MAPING in the academic year 2012.
  • S. Buvaneshwari has got 5thrank in the university examination in 2012.
  • Our department has conducted MOXIE-2013 Inter College meet among various College Students for improving their knowledge and skill.
  • M. Devapriya has got government job in Indian Bank as Clerk in 2014.
  • P. Sunganya has participated in National Level Seminar and in present a paper on WORKERS PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT and also bagged 3rdprize in Paper Presentation in the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Our Department Faculty and Students have conducted outreach program at PANCHAYATH UNION MIDDLE SCHOOL, VEDHANAYAGAPURAM to create awareness about the NEED FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND ITS OPPORTUNIST AT THE FUTURE in 2014-2015.
  • Our Students visited ANNA ALUMINIUM, KITEX GARDEN IN KERALA and got more practical exposure to the students in 2014-2015.
  • P . Abirami has been selected for ALL INDIA SOUTH ZONE SELECTION IN KABADI and also participated in various matches and won prize and cash award in 2015-2016.
  • T.Rubasri has been selected for ATHLETICS IN ALL INDIA LEVEL MATCH. She has also been selected for free education given by Central Government Sports Quota in 2015-2016.
  • T. Priyanka has been selected for Free Education Sports Club in Chennai in 2015-2016.
  • S. Shaharbanu has been placed in SPK GROUPS OF COMPANY IN CHENNAI and T. Priyanka, A. Subashini,
  • S. Umameshwari, M. Nallinadevi has been recruited in IDBI FEDERAL LIFE INSURANCE in 2015-2016.
  • S.Monisha has placed in TCS Recruitment Drive in 2015-2016.
  • Our student S.Monisha got 1stplace in BEST MANAGER and also got 1stplace in AD ZAP competition and S.Mahalakshmi got 3rdplace in paper presentation in Tagore institute of engineering and technology.
  • Our Department conducted one day National Level Workshop on AN ART OF COMMUNICATION ENHANCEMENT AND INVIGORATION.
  • Our Student visited KARNATAKA SOAPS AND DETERGENT, MYSORE AND AAVIN MILK FACTORY, SALEM and they Embibed knowledge in various fields.
  • Our Student S. Monisha got 5thrank in University examination in the year 2016-2017.
  • Our Department has conducted one day Work shop on ROAD MAP TO BECOME A FINANCIAL PROFESSIONAL .(2016-2017)
  • Our Student visited KANNAN DEVAN TEA FACTORY at Munar.
  • M.Nandhini has got 6thrank and S.Pavithra has been got 7thrank in University exam in the academic year 2016-2017.
  • T.Rubasri from II BBA is one of the Diligent and Energetic students has participated in Mini Marathon Competition held at Anna University in Chennai and got 2ndplace and she has also been won 3rdplace in State level in Marathon held at Gandhi Stadium.
  • Our Students and faculty members participated in National level workshop at on ENHANCHING RESEARCH COMPETENCY THROUGH SPSS AND AMOS SOFTWARE dated on 12TH March 2018 at Tagore institute of engineering and technology.
  • Rubasri III BBA is one of +the diligent and energetic student has participated in mini marathon competition at Salem she got 1stplace and WON CASH PRIZE 5000/-


  • Every year we produce Rank holders and Gold medalists.
  • Our department students participated in National and International level, Intercollege meets and attended various seminars in various colleges.
  • Our faculty members participated in various motivational programmers.
  • Our faculty members and students have published and presented papers in national and international journals.
  • Our students have visited various manufacturing industries and they gained more exposure towards the manufacturing process in various states.
  • Our department’s functions begin with AD act, Logos, Product identification, Product launch, Business quiz and Group discussion.
  • Our II BBA students attended 15 days INPLANT TRAINING program in various factories.
  • Our III BBA students participated 15 days PROJECT WORK in various companies.
  • Students are specifically encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities like NCC, NSS and sports.

Programme Organized



To create an awareness about the need for higher education and its opportunities at the future.


The goaloftheOutreachProgramis to provide a cost-effective and quality based services to supporting the village Students to equip themself to attain their higher education.


  • An activity of the outreach programme by the BBA department was introduced in Bharathiyar Arts and Science College for women in the year 2013-2014.Its not only a program of making awareness, also expressing the role of women community towards the society through our college. Having the wide view to develop the society along with the student’s community.
  • To prove our responsibity, our II & III Year Students has been actively participated in this program to influence their upcoming generations’ towards right path.
  • We got full support from our management through our Principal Dr. D.Rajakumari. The outreach program has been successfully completed 1 year.


We have certainly selected a Panchayat Union Public School, near Vedhanayagapuram. Along with our department staffs students conducted a awareness program on importance of higher education.

Department Activities



  • Study materials distribution to the school students through charts representation & shown them few videos of personal motivation.
  • Awareness programme for village school students regarding the necessity of higher studies.
  • We have motivated the students to know and define their goal to be achieved through developing their general knowledge.
  • Given guidelines regarding the self employment which is important for the students to stand without any dependencies.


  • Improving students to make them sustainable to face the opportunities from their schooling.
  • Career planning & development program
  • Program on Future opportunities and developing skills for the high school students.


  • Our department students took a long part from the session to engage the students positively along with the program.
  • They shared their views & discussed with them to know and analysis their capabilities.
  • Also given some guidelines to update them regularly.


Queries has been collected from the students and made them to clear immediately.

Tamil Nadu Student Innovators (TNSI) - 2021



Department of Business Administration,
Bharathiyar Arts & Science College for Women
Deviyakurichi, Thalaivasal (T.K),
Salem District,
Tamilnadu. Pincode : 636112.
Phone:8270015660, 9843031954