The Management maintains the Bharathi Chellammal hostel. It offers a good environment to the residents by promoting communal living, to be tolerant of others and to stay united with all their differences. To be precise, the hostel paves way to stand united amidst cultural diversity offering a platform towards a holistic life and healthy living.
The Bharathi Chellammal Hostel is housed in Three Buildings and 100 Rooms out of which 20 are marked for Arts students. The Rooms are adequately furnished with good ventilation. Apart from these, each floor has a Water Purifier in the buildings.
The Hostel takes every measure to make the hostel, a home.
The Hostel has a well equipped kitchen. The sophisticated dough kneader and chapatti sheeter are worth to be mentioned.There is well furnished dining halls, which can easily accommodate 300 students at one time. For all the dining halls water purifiers, which include coolers and two other systems that have the option of purified ordinary water, cool water and hot water are provided. The menu is exclusively student oriented.